
Kids from 9-12 will be real triathletes at the Sandefjord Triathlonfestival. They will swim, they will bike and they will run to the finish line at the arena in Badeparken. The KidsTri will be organized according to the children’s sports regulations. That is why we start with the age 9.
For age 9-10, we can only aloud kids from “REGION SØR”. This is Agder, Telemark, Vestfold, Buskerud, Innlandet, Oslo, Akershus, Østfold.
For the age 11-12 we can welcome kids from all over Norway!
The max number of participants is 50.

Responsible for KidsTri in Sandefjord Triatlonklubb is:

This is the KidsTri:

What do they need? Swim clothing (dont need a wetsuit), we give them a swim cap they have to use. They need a bike with two wheels and breaks that work, and a helmet that can be strapped on. And shoes for running. No need for fancy equipment.

When you arrive at Badeparken Sunday:

  1. Pick up the BIB at the registration in the Expo area at Badeparken.
  2. They will enter the transition zone (it´s OK to bring ONE parent), find a free spot for the bike and get ready. NB! The race BIB is the access ticket to the transition zone.
  3. We will have a Race Brief  for the kids in the transition zone 30 min before the start. Also important for parents to listen to!
  4. The Triathlon:
    During the swim segment, the kids can choose themself (not the parents) if they want to swim 40m or 100m. Everything is OK.
    When the swim is done, the next part is biking. When the helmet is on, you can take the bike off the rack, and run/walk to the street for the bike part. The bike course is in Jernbanealleen.
    Age 9-10 will bike one lap of 2,4km / age 11-12 will bike two laps of 2,4km
    When the biking is done, it is back to transition , up with the bike, helmet off, and ready for the final run.
    Age 9-10 will run one lap in the park, 750m and finishing on the “Challenge finish chute”.
    Age 11-12 will run two laps in the park, and finishing on the “Challenge finish chute”.There is a medal for everybody. No timing chip and no ranking. Just fun.


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