Training Tips

Be in shape for your challenge!

Getting in shape is not as hard as you might think. A few tips and tricks can be what makes the journey a little better. Have a look at the tips from X- Norseman winners, and get ready for Challenge Sandefjord.

Julie Aspesletten Susanne Buckenlei Hans Christian Tungesvik Allan Hovda

Tips from Allan Hovda

Have Fun – Triathlon is not your second job. The most important factor for continuing the fantastic lifestyle triathlon offers is enjoying what you do. Prioritize activities that bring you the most joy, whether it’s training with others, solo sessions, cycling indoors while watching a good series, or hitting the ski slopes.

Note: If you can’t swim the crawl, learn it—even if it doesn’t bring immediate joy. Once you master the technique, it becomes incredibly enjoyable.

Good Habits – Results in triathlon and life come from small improvements over time. Consistent, moderate training over time is better than occasional “monster weeks” at training camps. There’s no reason to delay setting up a sensible and sustainable structure for training, nutrition, and recovery.

Failing to plan is planning to fail – Even though August is a while away, there are many things to sort out before then. Physical fitness is one of the factors that must be in place, but there are also many practical aspects like equipment, accommodation, race nutrition, etc. Make a list of everything that needs to be sorted and work consistently to check them off. We’ve all been in a situation where essential bike parts/tri-suit/running shoes were delayed and either arrived just before the start or afterward, which can be extremely stressful.
Aeroposition – There are few ‘silver bullets’ in triathlon, but a good aeroposition is something that can provide a tremendous improvement in cycling times, regardless of skill level. However, I still see many people on triathlon bikes worth over 100,000 kr+ in an upright position because they struggle to stay in the aero bars. If you plan to cycle on the trainer this winter, I recommend using either a triathlon bike or a road bike with aero bars and being in that position as much as possible. Start with shorter periods on the trainer if it’s challenging at first and increase gradually.

Tips from Susanne Buckenlei

Women, here’s your key to triathlon success! When it comes to long-distance endurance, you already have a natural advantage with your efficient energy metabolism. However, as we age, there’s a slight decline in maximum muscle power, especially for those over 45-50 years. My advice for female athletes aiming for excellence in endurance sports is to add regular strength workouts to your schedule. Don’t worry—this doesn’t mean gaining weight or outgrowing your jeans. Instead, it will provide an incredible boost to all three disciplines: swim, bike, and run, while also safeguarding you from injuries.

In recent years, discussions and facts about planning women’s training around the menstrual cycle have surged like a wave. And there’s a reason for that. Many women face challenges training normally during certain times of the month, disrupting their planned training. However, many don’t encounter such issues. So, whether you should consider the menstrual cycle in your training schedule is quite individual. If you do, it’s advisable to train lightly around day 1 and avoid adding any races during that time. The next 1-2 weeks are a period of high strength performance and an opportune time to build performance. It’s an excellent time for testing, racing, and high-quality training. In the subsequent 1-2 weeks, problems tend to rise, peaking 5-7 days before menstruation starts. Thus, it’s better to train lightly, focusing on easy endurance sessions with less intensity and power.

Tips from Hans-Christian Tungesvik

Train as you race: Never underestimate the effect of specific preparations. Make sure to perform some sessions before Challenge Sandefjord testing the race equipment, nutrition, course, and intensity you plan to use on race day.

Practice the bike-run transition: When new to running post biking, it can be a nightmare for everyone. But through practice, many triathletes find it even easier than pure run sessions, as the legs and muscles are already warm. It takes practice, but “oh so worth it!”

Make a nutrition plan – and stick to it! Without a plan, and just consuming energy based on feel, you are very likely to start eating and drinking too late. Make a plan, test it in training, and stick to it on race day!

Keep it fun! Remember the reason why you are doing triathlon. Your life and income don’t depend on it, so lower your shoulders, let the atmosphere sink in, and enjoy the ride from start to finish!

Tips from Julie Aspesletten

Prioritize your weaknesses—it might involve those challenging sessions that are harder to get through. Set yourself up for success by ensuring you have good energy before the session, a well-thought-out plan, and perhaps even do it with someone! Training with others often makes you stronger, sessions go by faster, and tips can be shared!
As the competition approaches, have a plan for the transition zone, and practice different transitions. In the transition zone, it’s valuable for things to become somewhat automatic. Go through the transition zone and your own plan on race day!